The existence of people will fall into the hair hanging in 4 if a super volcano on earth awake.
1. Toba super-volcano
Located below the large lake of the same name on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, Toba is the largest volcanic lake in the world with a length of 100 km, width 30 km and the deepest reaches 505 m. Hide quiet lake "monster" extremely grim, each pushing humanity to the brink of extinction in eruption ago 69,000 to 77,000 years ago.

Scientists believe that, once awakened latest eruption of Toba is the strongest in the past 25 million years. Some anthropologists - archaeological description, Toba volcano woke serious impact on a global scale, killing most humans living in that time in the "population bottleneck" in the of India, east and central Africa. It also impacts the human genome today.
However, many researchers refute this hypothesis because they found no evidence of the decline or extinction of other species. Still, most scientists believe, Toba volcanic eruptions caused global temperatures dropped 3-5 degrees C. Even, many areas also decreased to 15 degrees C.
Ash from the eruption of the Toba volcano covered the air, causing the planet experiencing winter term to 6 years. Icy situation continued in the next millennium, that humanity is almost extinct. Some scientists said that the harsh environment suddenly forced people to be smart and clever to survive.
2. Yellowstone super volcano
Super-volcano beneath Yellowstone National Park of the same name, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, U.S.. Like Toba, "monster" hiding beneath Yellowstone quiet ponds. The researchers confirmed geology, huge amount of magma inside the volcano wiped afford the United States, and pushed humanity to the distress situation.

According to the latest research by scientists working at the University of Utah, Yellowstone's magma pocket 88 km long, 48 km wide and 14.4 km deep. It is more than 2.5 times the number that scientists previously estimated. If the super volcano suddenly woke up, it will make global climate change, seriously threaten the existence of mankind on earth.
Scientists said the cyclical activity Yellowstone 800,000 years / times. It erupts every 2.1 million years ago, 1.3 million years and 640,000 years ago. In the most recent eruption, Yellowstone creates dense clouds of dust, covering the entire North American region, as global climate change.
3. Super volcanoes near New Zealand
The U.S. geologists have discovered super volcanoes formed near New Zealand, has the potential to cause cataclysmic when it woke up. Geologist Michael Thorne of the University of Utah, said: "We have discovered the strong seismic activity beneath the Pacific Ocean. They can cause eruptions of lava terrible, destroying much of the globe."

According to experts, college quality, two huge blocks - each block has an area equivalent to a continent - are crashing into each other beneath the Pacific Ocean. Position them exposed at a depth of 2,900 km north of New Zealand. The process of forming the collision giant magma. If you exit the shell of the Earth, magma volume is enough to cause mass extinction on Earth.
Geologist Thorne said: "This is an enormous eruption mechanism. However, it may not happen at the moment. If nightmares become reality, 100-200 magma need another year to escape the earth's surface. "
4. Tamu Massif super volcano
The U.S. geologists have discovered Tamu Massif - the largest super volcano planet - in the heart of the Pacific. Japan Tamu Massif lies about 1,600 km to the east. The most recent eruption of Tamu Massif about 144 million years ago, creating high ridge 3.5 km from the sea floor.

Tamu Massif super volcano covers approximately 310,000 km 2 (roughly the land area of Vietnam). Tamu Massif is not only the largest volcanic planet but it is also the largest volcano in the solar system. However, it is only recognized Tamu Massif volcanic following single overall geological research of the University of Texas A & M.
Project data analyzed rock samples at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and the results of seismic scans, researchers at the University of Texas A & M confirmed Tamu Massif is a single volcano. Its name is the first letter in the phrase Texas A & M University (Texas A & M University). Although dormant super volcano 144 million years ago, but scientists could not confirm it was resting on the ocean floor.
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