Uranium fuel from tens of thousands of nuclear warheads Russia has provided heat and light for a few million households across the U.S. in 20 years.

Megatons-to-Megawatts program is a partnership between Russia and the United States after the Cold War era. Under an agreement between the two countries, Russia delivered about 20,000 nuclear warheads for the U.S. and Washington used uranium in the warheads it to produce electricity. U.S. $ 8 billion paid to Russia to receive warhead. The program will end on the last day of 2013, the Daily Mail reported.
Shipments of low-level enriched uranium (LEU) from the city of St. Petersburg to the port of Baltimore Ng in Maryland, USA Today 10/12. This is the final deliveries of Russian LEU program. The total volume of uranium that the U.S. comes from Russian nuclear warheads up to 500 tons. Destroy the warheads are part of the treaty Strategic Arms Reduction (START) signed by the two countries in 1991. Transfer and recycling operations in the U.S. uranium started after Moscow and Washington signed an agreement in 1993. Since then hundreds of Russian LEU ship to the U.S..
Uranium from Russian nuclear warheads have created nearly 10 % of U.S. electricity in 20 years. Millions of people have used electricity for lighting programs , home heating , cooking , and perform many other tasks .
" Megatons to Megawatts program has made great contributions to the effort to destroy nuclear weapons material and energy production in the U.S. . Virtually all nuclear reactors in the U.S. have received commercial nuclear fuel program , " U.S. Energy Secretary , Mr. Ernest Moniz , said .
Moniz emphasized that the program is an example of Russian-American achievements that can be achieved if the two countries' cooperation . " During the past two decades , one tenth the number of light bulbs in the U.S. have received power from fuel in the nuclear warheads of Russia ," he said .
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