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'Terminator 2' And The Introduction Of High Peak

Written By www.Viplus.Net on Saturday, December 28, 2013 | 10:42 PM

The launching ceremony was fighting "Terminator 2" recently left a special impression thanks to manufacturers cleverly combines artifacts with audio performance art, modern stereoscopic image.

In 2013, Russia has conducted several media campaign to promote the image of " Terminator 2 " . This is a new variant developed from infantry fighting vehicle tank support BMPT - 72 .

Earlier this month 11/2013 , a presentation, " Terminator 2 " was impressed with the guests and observers , including reigning Russian Prime Minister D. Mevedev .

At the show , manufacturers have put a " Terminator 2 " to take auditorium , located in front of a large projection screen . When the guests were seated , the introduction begins . Then , the slide projector stereoscopic images sharp , modern graphics . The audience may be attracted to the vivid illustrations of " Terminator 2 " can forget that , in essence, is the chariot to stand still on stage .

Almost all information about " Terminator 2 " from the birth , structure , outstanding features and capabilities in actual combat ... has been introduced in a period of less than 5 minutes .

" Terminator 2 " is a modernized variant of the latest fighting vehicle of infantry support tank BMPT - 72 .

Originating from the war in Chechnya practice first and 2nd Russian military realized , the main tank as T - 72 is very vulnerable in urban warfare conditions . Since then , the Russian army set out to build a new combat vehicles : infantry fighting vehicle tank support . These vehicles are fitted with equipment capable of detecting and preventing anti-tank missiles , seeking to detect anti- tank targets as enemy soldiers hiding in the building ...

As required tactical combat in urban conditions , each a major tank T - 72 will have 2 units BMPT - 72 escort .

BMPT - 72 weighs 44 tons , so the operating crew 3 . Weapons on vehicles equipped with 2 automatic 30 mm cannon , two submachine guns 30 mm grenade launchers , anti-tank missiles 4 Ataka - V ...
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